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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 8 of 8

April 30, 2019Final Exams for the Rapture in Progress
...because He wants a pure and intimate relationship with each of...
September 16, 2018Your Prayers Are Working, But Time is Short live by faith, and be intimately connected to Me--not allowing...
July 7, 2017Preparations for War??
...wisdom Jesus gives us in His intimate presence prevail over every...
March 19, 2017Still Small Voice, Why Some Have Left, Message from Jesus
...and so much more. We are intimately bonded together and My...
March 5, 2017Turning the Tide & NDE & Orphans in Nicaragua, but it is one more intimately connected that you will...
January 4, 2017Abiding In The Vine vs. Burnout in Ministry
...find their joy in their intimate relationship with the Lord....
August 22, 2015Martha & The Wineskin, Divine Union and the New Wine
...or closer to Jesus as our intimate Spouse when we get done with...
September 4, 2014Who Is The Bride of Christ, Introduction
...the Lord). He had a very intimate relationship with the Lord...