The resources section has ideas/links for left behind packages

Select by month Vimeo playlists
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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 4 of 4

July 7, 2017Preparations for War??
...wisdom Jesus gives us in His intimate presence prevail over every...
February 6, 2017Guard Your Hearts and Bodies from Demonic Influence
...know that I have shared intimate times with the Lord in Heaven...
September 8, 2015"My Heart Does Not Deceive" Jesus, "Nothing's Happening in September" ME? "When you know Me intimately, day by day, you know all...
December 29, 2014Rapture Sense, Are You Abiding in the Vine or Biding Your Time?
...robbing you of your peace and intimate fellowship with your Heavenly...