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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 7 of 7

April 30, 2019Final Exams for the Rapture in Progress
...because He wants a pure and intimate relationship with each of...
April 2, 2019Fear of Intimacy and Isolation
...this soul does not know Me intimately. This is why your motherly...
February 10, 2019We Have Been Infected With Seeds of Bitterness
...share that part of My life intimately with you, but because I...
November 4, 2017I Hurt My Jesus & Soaking Music is New Age?
...My children into the most intimate places. "Cultivate true...
January 4, 2017Abiding In The Vine vs. Burnout in Ministry
...find their joy in their intimate relationship with the Lord....
August 11, 2015Rapture When?
...the Bride knows the Groom intimately, and He shares His innermost...
September 4, 2014Who Is The Bride of Christ, Introduction
...the Lord). He had a very intimate relationship with the Lord...