The resources section has ideas/links for left behind packages
October 22, 2019
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your precious invitation to draw closer to You. And for Your offer to help.
Lord, I love You. Please speak to me. Words of edification for the flock. I seek Your face, Lord. Leave me not without consolation of knowing we are working together. Please Jesus, speak Your Heart to me and Your people.
Jesus began, "My daughter, I wish for you to grow closer and closer, resting deeply in My heart. For there is no other place of true consolation for you. Not even on the Refuge; you will not be satisfied until you rest in My Heart. You are drawing closer, but you must draw closer still.
"When you abstain, you prove to Me that I am more important to you than you are to yourself."
Here He's talking about food.
"I long for the closeness we once had, Clare. I miss that very much. Continue on as you have today, and it will return. You need Me far more than you realize. Your weaknesses are quickly overcome by the enemy, whereas when you are strong in Me--not so much. I sustain you and your whole orientation shifts to Me.
"As it is, the world draws you continually away, and this is another reason for the move. The sooner you are away from all this, the better and deeper you will go. The closer we will be.
"Like right now. Here we are in your garden, yet snakes of distraction have prevented you from being fully present to Me.
"These are assignments against you, My Beloved. They are trying to poison you with the venom of fear and preoccupation, drawing you away from Me by presenting 'duty' to replace Me. The duty of working for the Refuge. Touch it lightly and pass it on to those competent to handle it. This is the safest way.
"This is just our time now, just you and I. Do what is pleasing to Me from moment to moment. Like now. This is very pleasing to Me. Well done on getting up earlier... Let's maintain that, please."
Thank You for helping me, Lord.
"I'm there for you every morning, Clare, but sometimes it's tougher for you to correspond. You could ask for more help, you know...?"
I am asking now. Please make me consistent in getting up and going to bed? Lord, please, would you heal my lungs? (I slipped that in...)
Jesus answered me, "Will you carry that for Me?"
Lord, You know I will. I will just need a lot of help on the Mountain...
"I'm standing by, My Love.
"You are My Beloved. And those on this channel I wish to draw more deeply into My Heart. The barrier for us to be close is never erected by Me. It is always a barrier you put up by feeling unworthy, sinful, and guilty. Or just too busy for Me.
"Well, sometimes you are guilty. But that is when you need Me the most. I will forgive you and strengthen you against future temptations, but you must come to Me and ask.
"Contrition and weaknesses are a beautiful thing. Your awareness of them causes Me to draw even closer to comfort and encourage you.
"I want to help you, dear ones. Just ask. I am only a thought away. I come running to the contrite and humble soul who calls upon My mercy."