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September 12, 2016
The Lord is teaching us to navigate waters over our heads, resting in Him, dear Heartdwellers.
And last night, when I came into prayer, I had an experience with the Lord involving the armor of God, and putting on the armor of God before we pray, which a dear friend and prayer partner has shared with me and an experience she had.
And I was waiting on the Lord for a confirmation, so that I could share it with you. And He confirmed it. So that's what I'm working on right now, and hope to have it done by tonight. And afterwards I came to sit down and talk to you. I asked the Lord what was on His heart and He began describing the armor of God and the purpose of each piece. And I didn't get a chance to finish it.
But I do have something that I want to share with you tonight, from Lana Vawser. And I will be putting up the Armor of God message, God willing! Later on for tomorrow. But I wanted you to have something today, because this truly is going on in the Body of Christ right now. And her message is a true confirmation.
So, this is from Lana Vaswer:
"This morning as I sat just being with the Lord, I was prompted to turn on the song 'In Over My Head' by Jenn Johnson (Bethel Music). As the words played and I saw where situations have been 'crashing upon' God's people over and over, the Lord was now coming to 'crash in over His people' to catapult them into the most beautiful 'in over their head' places of peace, joy, freedom, strength and stability in His presence.
"You crash over me, I'm right where you want me to be, I am going under, I'm in over my head. Whether I sink, whether I swim, it makes no difference when I'm beautifully in over my head.." (In Over My Head Lyrics - Jenn Johnson - Bethel Music)
"There is a breaker anointing that the Lord is releasing right now that is breaking the pressure and heaviness of the situations that have crashed upon you. He is going to suddenly catapult you into a deeper place of knowing His peace, His covering, that He's got this, and you are completely SAFE and SECURE in His presence.
"This season has seen many in the body of Christ moving into unfamiliar territory. Places they have never been before and there hasn't been much "direction" in the natural in knowing how to navigate this new place but just the continual deep sense of the heart of God calling out to TRUST Him even when you feel like you are walking blindly.
"I saw many you continually following Him deeper and deeper into unknown places. Moving into places you haven't been before but you can feel the drawing of His Spirit to come and walk out on the water and trust even when you don't know where He's leading or what He's doing. The hunger and desperation to have more of Him and all He has for you has kept you moving forward even when the giants have raised up their ugly heads and have been screaming and intimidating you more in this season than ever before."
Boy! Don't we all know THAT one!
"Your radical ABANDONMENT to Him, is not only going to see the greatest promotion of your life and breakthrough explode into your life that you have ever experienced, but there is a gloriously beautiful level of intimacy with Jesus that you are about to enter into.
"This new level of intimacy with Jesus was so beautiful. There was so much life, there was so much joy, so much stability, peace and accuracy in HEARING from Him and knowing His heart. There was a GIDDINESS of JOY and excitement bubbling up in hearts. This level of intimacy was the answer to the radical hunger that many have been experiencing to just know Him deeper than ever before.
"The DOORWAY to this new level of intimacy was that place of being "IN OVER YOUR HEAD". The place of relinquishing any control completely to Him. It was a level of surrender that says what Jenn Johnson so beautifully sings in this song 'Whether I sink, whether I swim, it makes no difference when I'm beautifully in over my head...' It was in the 'letting go' that the 'cares' were going to suddenly fall away and the burning convicting revelation of His goodness and that you are HELD by Him, you are SAFE in Him and what is before you, even though you don't see it or understand what He is doing.. IT IS GLORIOUSLY GOOD and BETTER than you have ever dreamt (Ephesians 3:20). In the 'letting go' the cares will fall away and in the 'in over your head' in His presence, the deep, deep trust and letting go, you are being positioned for one of the greatest catapults into your promised land."
Wow, guys. And just as an aside here from Lana. All the dreams that you have. You know what we've been talking about and the Lord's been saying - bring up your dreams, those hidden things from childhood or adolescence. Dreams of things that you wanted to do. Yeah. Bring those up. And that's what He's getting ready to do with us.
"There is a HUGE door of the NEW before you, but to enter it requires your complete 'YES' of trust. In this NEW door before you, in this place of 'letting go' and 'relinquishing control' He is going to show you again, His faithfulness, His extravagant provision, His strength, His alignment, His promotion, His favor, His healing and His goodness and never-ending, mind-blowing kindness. You are going to be IN OVER YOUR HEAD at the GOODNESS and KINDNESS OF JESUS!
"Many of you have been looking at the feeling of being 'out of control' and not knowing what's going on as a bad thing. The Lord is shifting your focus. In your LETTING GO, your place of DEEP TRUST you are moving into a level of freedom you have NEVER known, a place of JOY you have never known, and in that 'in over your head place' you will receive exactly what you need in a MOMENT to carry you in and through the catapult into your promised land.
"The 'letting go' will build such a deep strength in you of who Jesus in, that when you move into your promised land and the giants rise up and scream, you will not be moved, you won't be intimidated, confused or shrink back in fear, but move forward with conviction and resolve and overcome them by the power of His Spirit with greater ease than ever before."
And that's the message from Lana Vawser.
I just wanted to share that with you. The Lord bless you, Heartdwellers. I'm going to go back to working on the full Armor of God and get it out to you as soon as it's done. Pray behind me, because I really want to get everything the Lord has for us.
And I wanted to share with you - Ezekiel is doing really well with his music. He's got a new song that he's working on. He's going to take a little time to finish it, but when he does, we'll get it up to you.
Thank you for praying for us, and thank you so much for your support. It makes it possible for us to be here for you, totally, 100% of the time, with our heart off of the distractions of the world.
The Lord bless you, Dear Ones.