The resources section has ideas/links for left behind packages

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Displaying 1 to 30 of 30

July 1, 2021Next Three Days Plea For Mercy For Your Nation and For Israel
July 2, 2021Faithfulness Is Our Greatest Gift To Him
July 3, 2021All Must Repent & My Sins
July 4, 2021Count on His Grace
July 5, 2021Sin Veils Spiritual Vision (Watch the video on
July 5, 2021The Sins of Excess 1 of 2
July 6, 2021The Sins of Excess 2 of 2
July 7, 2021Blessed Mother Appearances
July 8, 2021My Church
July 9, 2021GOD or Mammon
July 9, 2021Rapture Warning
July 10, 2021I'm Laying The Axe To The Root
July 12, 2021Choosing to Serve God
July 12, 2021We're Going Home!
July 13, 2021Is Dr Owuor Elijah the Prophet
July 15, 2021Let Nothing Disturb You
July 16, 2021How To Stay In The Saddle
July 16, 2021Wars & Famines PRAY
July 17, 2021Birth Pangs
July 18, 2021Is Jesus an Alien From Another Planet 1 of 3
July 19, 2021Is Jesus an Alien From Another Planet 2 of 3
July 19, 2021Is Jesus an Alien From Another Planet 3 of 3
July 20, 2021Fables of Men
July 21, 2021Demon Aliens & The Rapture
July 22, 2021Stay Knitted in Love
July 24, 2021Did You Miss Your Destiny 1 of 2
July 24, 2021Did You Miss Your Destiny 2 of 2
July 25, 2021Your Prayers Don't Matter- satan
July 30, 2021In the Storm - Complete Version (Watch the video on