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Select by month Vimeo playlists

Displaying 1 to 25 of 25

August 2, 2018How the Lord Delivered Me from a Religious Spirit and Bigotry
August 3, 2018O Lord Our God, Album: Trust Me Child
August 4, 2018The Lord Teaches on His Church
August 5, 2018Metaphor for America, Pharaoh's City
August 5, 2018Q - "If You See Something, Say Something" Prayer Alert!
August 7, 2018What Did the First Apostles Believe?
August 9, 2018The Body and Blood of Jesus 1 of 2
August 12, 2018Pride... Again
August 12, 2018Body and Blood of Jesus 2/2 (& THE SWORDS)
August 13, 2018Come to Me (song by Clare)
August 13, 2018Young Boy Dies Protecting Jesus in the Host
August 15, 2018Pray, America & Do Not Sin Thru Gossip
August 16, 2018From the EXODUS Album: Burning Bush
August 16, 2018Descent from the EXODUS Album
August 18, 2018How is Jesus Really Present, Body and Blood, in the Host?
August 20, 2018I Will Make You Fishers of Men
August 22, 2018The Swords Given to Heart Dwellers
August 25, 2018Have You Felt Stripped and Fruitless?
August 27, 2018Pray Against Suicides and Use the Rosary
August 28, 2018Be Still And Know That I Am God (Watch the video on
August 28, 2018The Fate of a Traitor
August 28, 2018Kim Clement's Prophecy About Blessed Mother & America
August 30, 2018Contemplative Rosary (full version found on the Music Channel)
August 30, 2018My Heart Aches For the Loss of This Soul
August 30, 2018The Annunciation