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The following list is from the Vimeo playlist

Displaying 1 to 22 of 22

May 6, 2019The Gift
April 18, 2019Destroying Compromise in My Church
March 23, 2019Have We Reached the Time of Judgment?
March 18, 2019Left Behind Warning to the Church
February 10, 2019We Have Been Infected With Seeds of Bitterness
March 11, 2018Come, Enjoy the Lilies
March 4, 2018For Those Who Wander
September 6, 2017Satan's Agenda for U.S. About to Receive A Fatal Blow
June 29, 2017Anatomy of A Distraction Leading To Sin
May 21, 2017Jesus to His Bride-A Pure Heart is Irresistible
May 17, 2017Falling Deeper In Love With God
August 22, 2016Are You Called?
June 23, 2016Outsmarting the Enemy & Preserving Your Soul
May 26, 2016On The Brink Of War Again
May 12, 2016The Way To His Heart and Intimacy in Prayer
May 5, 2016How Does A Fall Happen? Slander / Curiosity & New Anointings
May 2, 2016Is Satan Pulling Your Strings??
April 11, 2016Your Tomorrow Is Not Guaranteed
April 1, 2016How Prayer Fails
September 14, 2015New Onslaught of Demons Released Against My Bride, Your Defense is Personal Holiness
September 28, 2014My Bride is Not Responding
September 5, 2014Content In All Circumstances